WordPress Overload

I want some help here. I am curious to know how does one manage the posts of over several thousand people. If the point is to engage with other publishers on WordPress and build a community, how do you engage with such mass?

If let’s say everybody is a frequent poster. If everybody is busy posting who is left to read? And if, we post too frequently is our content actually valued properly?

Similar how Rihanna drops single and albums like panties thrown to Elvis, her songs are frequent but they don’t last through time. Her songs like most artist today, is only for the times. Spiritually speaking these artist are very “present” and in the moment, don’t lager worrying about the future.

But scratch that! Reading blogs requires time and effort and its very time consuming as it requires time and effort. (Yes, I purposely rephrased within a sentence.) I want to know how so you manage your feeds. Do you read a blog a day? Do you spend time reading blogs only for one day? I was thinking maybe posting once a week. Then, all the other days I will take time and read and engage. It sounds like a chore now that I am thinking about it, but it is fair if you want  your voice herd.

I’m asking this because there’s a blog that I follow with 42,000 followers. One of his many tips is to post frequently. Which is not a hard thing to do, but this is not Facebook or twitter. I care about my content here much more than those other outlets. This is why I choose to not post about pop culture. That is so cliche. I like reading about real live experiences past present or future. I like read and feel another human through words.

Anyways, how do you view your feed? Do you post only? Comment rarely?

Also, how do you pick who you follow? Do you follow any and everybody ?

Daily prompt : Overload alert

28 thoughts on “WordPress Overload

  1. I sometimes struggle keeping up with my reading. One tip I read was to keep your posts to the same days every week. Say Tuesdays and Thursdays. I tend to just post when something comes to mind worth posting about. As for reading, I try to do a bit every day. I try to follow as many new blogs as I can, read them for a while, and see if I take to them or not. Then of course there are the blogs I look out for in my news feed. These are my favourites that I just have to read, whilst others I read when I have time to do so. There is no science to it. Having a blog and doing it properly is certainly very time consuming. Equally as rewarding though I think.


  2. I was wondering about the same, as did many other bloggers, I’m sure. I don’t think I have any advice for you, I can only share my experience. I’m a small blogger, so I decided to connect with other smallish bloggers and don’t normally follow blogs with thousands followers. On these large blogs, I never got a reply to my comment and no interaction was happening. So this is my tactics 🙂


  3. Good questions, my friend. I think the answers are as varied as are the bloggers, as everyone manages their time differently. I post on Mondays and Thursdays and read and comment when I have the time, which is usually when my partner is at work. Then there are days when it all does seem to be too much. I agree with Howling Fantogs above that in the end, it is worthwhile. Much love and naked hugs, buddy! 🙂


    • Yes, we all have and need to tap our own rhythm. During the school year, I am (sad grievously) forced to post less frequently as a worn-out homeschooler. But my follower count does not suffer for it. And I don’t believe OM flat-out said to post frequently. He said there is no such thing as overposting in his book. =) I see some bloggers expend most of their precious hours in the posting but don’t really grow their blog because they’re not tending to the other aspects of blogging.


  4. Wow, 42,000 followers, I haven’t come across that blog yet! That’s a mighty gang. Some great questions you pose in your post and I got a lot from the answers already posted in the comment boxes. Informative!


  5. Hi, thanks for the nod to my blog! I like your style of writing, it’s comfortable and engaging. I post only once a week and I keep it specific to my hospital experiences or other topics related to healthcare – I’m sure it restricts interest, but that’s O.K. I’ve had small things published, so the blog is my effort to reach out to more people that might enjoy my writing.


  6. Hmmm, that are some good questions.
    I don’t think that you can keep up with what everyone writes. I always check out the blogs from the people who follow me and the ones my friends say that are worth reading. Then I decide if I want to follow. Most of the times this means that I will have to ‘blog hop’ to see what I have missed on my busy days lol! 🙂
    If I like a post, I will ‘like’ it. If I find a piece that really connects with me, or if someone has a question like you, I will comment. That’s about it. 🙂
    Good luck!
    Lots of love


  7. Wow, you got lots of feedback on this one. Here’s my two-cent’s worth:

    The main reason I do the daily prompts is to improve my writing skills. I read as many others as I can find time for; usually, the days I’m not working I get to do more reading. I scan, really, unless I find something that snags my interest. Sometimes, when I “like” a post, I just want the writer to know I was there and read their work. I find the Likes on my own posts very encouraging, even if no one makes a comment.

    There really aren’t any rules for this game. You do what works for you, and you try to encourage others when you can. The whole point here is to write, right ? The more, the better :)_


  8. Pingback: How to defeat “To Do List” over load | Emotional Fitness

  9. I built my day’s post about your question as It is what I am struggling with now. I put out five things as tips about how I try to get the most from blogging. For me I have to enjoy the writing, people need to respond occasionally. One of my personal rules is to comment back and follow you if you follow me, but not if you are so big your following is just fan gathering. I blog to communicate and share knowledge but as an old one am also in leaving a legacy. Here’s the post I built around your questions. http://wp.me/pC72X-476

    Stay strong. Katherine

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I know there is no way I can read everything, write as much as I want and still run a home so I don’t. I read what I can, when I can, and I always comment/return a comment/like when they occur. Anything more than that is superhuman as far as I am concerned 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi Lewis,

    Normally I browse my WordPress reader on the way to work. How did I find those blogs? When I started I did some searches. Looked for bloggers with similar interests. Found people posting their wordpress blogs via twitter and followed them. I engage when I feel something. I always respond to comments on my posts even if it’s just to say thank you.

    The blogging101 exercise is a new challenge and a new opportunity. I’m not following everyone. I’m writing my post and then looking at as many of the posts as possible.



  12. Pingback: Poem / Poetry – “Full To The Gills” | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

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